Tom Miller 12-27-15 "The God of Second Chances"
Tom Miller 12-27-15 PM "We Know"
Tom Miller 12-20-15 "Mary Did You Know"
Tom Miller 12-20-15 "Praying With Compassion"
Tom Miller 12-13-15 "Our View of God"
Tom Miller 12-13-15 PM "Praying With Confidence"
Tom Miller 12-6-15 "When the Unthinkable Happens"
Tom Miller 12-6-15 "Life in the Son"
Tom Miller 11-29-15 "My Walk With God"
Tom Miller 11-22-15 "Thank God for Everything"
Tom Miller 11-22-15 "Witnesses for Jesus Christ"
Tom Miller 11-15-15 "The Last Taboo"
Tom Miller 11-15-15 PM "Facing our Fears"
Tom Miller 11-8-15 "Vestibules of Heaven"
Tom Miller 11-8-15 PM "Tests of Authentic Christianity"
11-1-15 Tom Miller "Reminders In a Golden Box"
Tom Miller 11-1-15 PM "Practical Mean of Brotherly Love"
10-25-15 Tom Miller 10-25-15 "Come As You Are, But"
10-25-15 PM Tom Miller "Don't Believe Everything You Hear"
10-18-15 Phil Adams
10-18-15 PM Phil Adams
Tom Miller 10-11-15 "Christianity, Past, Present, Future"
Phil Adams 10-4-15
Phil Adams 10-4-15 PM
Tom Miller 9-27-15 "Twelve Words"
Tom Miller 9-27-15 PM "Christian Confidence"
Tom Miller 9-20-15 "Amazing Grace"
Tom Miller 9-20-15 PM "The Test of Love"
Tom Miller 9-13-15 "A Final Question"
Tom Miller 9-13-15 PM "The Necessity of Brotherly Love"
Tom Miller 9-6-15 "Undenominational Church"
Tom Miller 9-6-15 PM "Children of God and Sin"
Tom Miller 8-30-15 "Teamwork"
Tom Miller 8-16-15 PM "Confidence At His Coming"
Tom Miller 8-23-15 PM "Children of God"
Phil Adams 8-9-15
Phil Adams 8-9-15
Tom Miller 8-1-15 "What Does God Want From Me?"
Tom Miller 8-1-15 pm "Who/What Is An Antichrist"
Tom Miller 7-26-15 "The Importance of Submission"
Tom Miller 7-26-15 " Don't Love the World"
Tom Miller 7-19-15 "Don't Quit"
Phil Adams 7-12-15
Phil Adams 7-12-15 PM
Tom Miller 7-5-15 "Being Then Made Free"
Tom Miller 7-5-15 "Something Old, Something New"
Tom Miller 6-28-15 "Preparing for Suffering"
Tom Miller 6-28-15 PM "Do You Know Jesus"
Tom Miller 6-21-15 PM "Fellowship With God"
Tom Miller 6-14-15 "Is There Value in Suffering"
Tom Miller 6-14-15 PM "The Life That Counts"
Tom Miller 6-7-15 "Why Do People Suffer?"
Tom Miller 6-7-15 "Introduction to 1 John"
Tom Miller 5-31-15 "Jesus Cried"
Phil Adams 5-24-15 "A Way Out of a Hole"
Tom Miller 5-24-15 PM An Invitation To Dinner"
Tom Miller 5-17-15 "Ed-u-ca-tion"
Tom Miller 5-17-15 PM "Acts 29"
Tom Miller 5-10-15 "In Praise of Christian Women"
Tom Miller PM 5-10-15 "Where Do you Live?"
Phil Adams 5-3-15
Phil Adams 5-3-15 PM
Tom Miller 4-26-15 "Jesus Prayed"
Tom Miller 4-19-15 "Why We Sing"
Tom Miller 4-19-15 PM "Looking at Life"
Phil Adams 4-12-15 "Six Strange Preachers"
Phil Adams 4-12-15 PM "Knots Which Can't Be United"
Tom Miller 4-5-15 "The Message of the Empty Tomb"
Tom Miller 4-5-15 PM "A Picture of God"
Tom Miller 3-22-15 "Into His Presence"
Tom Miller 3-22-15 PM "Preparing for Worship"
Tom Miller 3-15-15 "You Are Invited"
Tom Miller 3-15-15 PM "Caring About Soul Winning"
Tom Miller 3-8-15 "There Is Life After Death"
Tom Miller 3-1-15 "If I Should Wake Before I Die"
Tom Miller 3-1-15 PM "Delivered To Serve"
Tom Miller 2-22-15 "I Like Where We Are"
Tom Miller 2-22-15 PM "A Model For Evangelism"
Tom Miller 2-8-15 "Rules or Relationship"
Tom Miller 2-15-15 PM "Let Me Enourage, US #11"
Tom Miller 2-1-15 "Learning from our Seniors"
Tom Miller 2-1-15 PM "Let Me Encourage, US #9"
Tom Miller 1-25-15 "Learning From Our Tweens"
Tom Miller 1-25-15 PM "Let Me Encourage, Us #8"
Tom Miller 1-18-15 "Learning From Our Youth"
Tom Miller 1-18-15 PM "Let Me Encourage, Us #7"
Tom Miller 1-11-15 "How You Look At It"
Tom Miller 1-11-15 PM "Let Me Encourage, Us #6"
Tom Miller 1-4-15 "Reasons to Rejoice"
Tom Miller 1-4-15 PM "Let Me Encourage, Us #5"