Tom Miller 12-25-16 "God's Sovereign Time"
Tom Miller 12-18-16 "Unerstanding Forgiveness"
Tom Miller 12-18-16 PM "Misunderstanding Forgiveness"
Tom Miller 12-11-16 "The Might of Two Mites"
Tom Miller 12-11-16 PM "A Picture of God"
Tom Miller 12-4-16 "Some Not-So-Gentle Reminders"
Tom Miller 12-4-16 PM "Gettin' Ready To Leave"
Tom Miller 11-27-16 "The Christian's Benefit Package"
Tom Miller 11-27-16 PM "There's a Great Day Coming"
Dale Babinsky 11-20-16
John McBroom 11-20-16 PM
Tom Miller 11-13-16 "Misconceptions About Worship"
Tom Miller 11-13-16 "That Glad Gettin' Up Morning"
Tom Miller 11-6-16 PM "What Happens When We Die?"
Tom Miller 10-30-16 "The Cure"
Tom Miller 10-23-16 "The Unseen Hand"
Tom Miller 10-23-16 PM "No More Sacrifice for Sin"
Rusty Curtis 10-16-16 "God's Kindness to All"
Tim Wheeler 10-16-16 "Storms"
Tom Miller 10-9-16 "In The Center of His Will"
Tom Miller 10-9-16 PM "Let Us Consider One Another"
Tom Miller 10-2-16 "Be Strong and Good Courageous"
Tom Miller 10-2-16 "Let Us Hold Fast"
Tom Miller 9-25-16 "The Heart of a Winner"
Tom Miller 9-25-16 PM "Let Us Draw Near"
Tom Miller 9-18-16 "When A King Cried"
Tom Miller 9-18-16 PM "Hello, My Name Is..."
Tom Miller 9-11-16 "When We Come To the Jordan"
Tom Miller 9-16-16 PM "Questions About Angels"
Tom Miller 9-4-16 "Understanding the Times"
Tom Miller 9-4-16 PM "Faith Into Action, #7"
Tom Miller 8-28-16 "A King Shows Kindness"
Tom Miller 8-28-16 "Faith Into Action, #6"
Tom Miller 8-20-16 PM "Faith Into Action, # 5"
Tom Miller 8-7-16 "And Be Kind"
Tom Miller 8-7-16 PM "Faith Into Action, #4"
Tom Miller 7-31-16 "What a World! What a World!"
Tom Miller 7-24-16 "May God Deliver You"
Tom Miller 7-17-16 "What Does It Mean to Be Free?"
Tom Miller 7-17-16 PM "Faith Into Action, Part 2"
Tom Miller 7-10-16 "The Paradox of Freedom"
Tom Miller 7-10-16 "Faith Into Action, Part 1"
Tom Miller 7-3-16 "Let Freedom Ring" (Romans 6:1-7)
Tom Miller 7-3-16 PM "Funerals and Parties"
Tom Miller 6-26-16 "God, Give Me Patience . . . Now!"
Tom Miller 6-26-16 "When Jesus Prayed"
Tom Miller 6-19-16 "The Loving Father, Part I"
Tom Miller 6-19-16 PM "The Loving Father, Part II"
Tom Miller 6-12-16 "Our Longsuffering God"
Tom Miller 6-12-16 "Two Kinds of Hunger"
Tom Miller 6-5-16 "Reach Out and Touch Someone"
Tom Miller 6-5-16 PM "From Weakness to Strength"
Tom Miller 5-29-16 "Remember"
Tom Miller 5-22-16 "Peace, Be Still"
Tom Miller 5-22-16 PM "And You Visited Me"
Tom Miller 5-15-16 "A Little Girl's Big Question"
Tom Miller 5-15-16 PM "Nothing Good To Say"
Tom Miller 5-8-16 "A Woman God Approves"
Tom Miller 5-8-16 PM "Little Is Much When God Is In It"
Tom Miller 5-1-15 "Peace Like A River"
Tom Miller 5-1-16 PM "A Healthy Looking Corpse"
Phil Adams 4-24-16
Tom Miller 4-24-16 PM "Jesus or Jezebel?"
Tom Miller 4-17-16 ""I Am Mine No More"
Tom Miller 4-17-16 PM "When the Water Gets In The Boat"
Tom Miller 4-10-16 "The Darling of Your Heart"
Tom Miller 4-10-16 PM "The Fragrance of Faithfulness"
Tom Miller 4-3-16 "The Mind of Christ"
Tom Miller 4-3-16 PM "Losing That Loving Feeling"
Tom Miller 3-27-16 "Bind Us Together"
Tom Miller 3-27-16 PM "Know When To Run Away"
Phil Adams 3-20-16 Hebrews 11
Phil Adams 3-20-16 PM
Tom Miller 3-13-16 "Faithfulness To The Church"
Tom Miller 3-13-16 PM "Faulty Thinking"
Tom Miller 3-6-16 "What Does It Mean To Be Faithful"
Tom Miller 3-6-16 "The Benefits of Faithfulness"
Tom Miller 2-21-16 "Love Never Fails"
Tom Miller 2-21-16 PM "I Know It When I See It"
Tom Miller 2-14-16 "Love is Greater"
Tom Miller 2-14-16 PM "I Know It When I See It"
Tom Miller 2-7-16 "What the World Needs"
Tom Miller 2-7-16 PM "Don't Foret Who You Are"
Tom Miller 1-31-16
Tom Miller 1-24-16 "Benefits of Being an Encourager"
Tom Miller 1-17-16 "Hands of an Encourager"
Tom Miller 1-17-15 "Unity: How Good and Pleasant"
Tom Miller 1-10-16 "What Do You Want From God"
Tom Miller 1-3-16 "A Year of Encouragement"
Tom Miller 1-3-16 PM "Sound the Battle Cry"