Tom Miller 3-1-20 "The Heart of the Matter"
Tom Miler 12-29-19 "From This Perspective"
Tom Miller 12-29-19 "Questions & Answers"
Tom Miller 12-22-19 "It Was Not a Silent Night"
Tom Miller 12-22-19 "Learning to Feed Ourselves, #4"
Tom Miller 12-15-19 "Things To Bring To Worship"
Tom Miller 12-15-19 "Learning To Feed Ourselves, #3"
John McBroom 12-8-19 "The church that Christ Built"
Brian Lane 12-8-19 "Stand Tall - Be Steadfast"
Tom Miller 12-1-19 "Jesus and Thanksgiving"
Tom Miller 12-1-19 "Learning to Feed Ourselves, #2"
Tom Miller 11-24-19 "Upon This Rock"
Tom Miller 11-24-19 "Learning to Feed Ourselves, #1"
Tom Miller 11-17-19 "Faith is the Victory"
Tom Miller 11-17-19 "Overcoming Discouragement"
Tom Miller 11-10-19 "Songs in the Night"
Toom Miller 11-10-19 "Why Be? That is the Question"
Tom Miller 11-3-19 "Make Me a Servant"
Tom Miller 11-3-19 "Confessing Our Sins"
Tom Miller 10-27-19 "God of the Valleys"
Tom Miller 10-27-19 "Closet Believers"
Brian Lane 8-20-19 "Facing Your Red Sea"
Brian Lane 10-20-19 "A Salt Life"
Tom Miller 10-13-19 Forgiveness
Tom Miller 10-13-19 "A Man Who Made the Master Marvel"
Tom Miller 10-6-19 "A Covenant Sealed With Blood"
Tom Miller "Shalom" 9-29-2019
Tom Miller 9-29-19 "Questions & Answers"
Brian Lane 9-22-19 "Solomon's Request - 1 Kings 3:3-13"
9-22-19 PM Chris Bragwell "Truth"
Tom Miller 9-15-19 "Victorious Christian Living"
Tom Miller 9 15 19 "Evangelistic Words"
Tom Miller 9-8-19 "Through It All"
Tom MIller 9-8-19 PM "Ways Congregations Grow Numerically"
Tom Miller 9-1-19 "I Want To Be a Worker For The Lord"
Tom Miller 9-1-19 "Striving For Maturity"
Tom Miller 8-25-19 "I Love My Church"
Tom Miller 8-25-19 "This Little Light of Mine"
Tom Miller 8-18-19 "The Church On Its Knees"
Tom Miller 8-18-19 PM "Out Of The Salt Shaker"
08-11-19 Tom Miller "Continuing Steadfast"
08/11-19 Tom Miller "Preparing for the Storms"
8-4-2019 Tom Miller "Let's Take a Look"
8-4-2019 Tom Miller "Empty Claims"
7-28-19 Tom Miller "How Can I Help Others When They Suffer?"
7-28-19 Tom Miller "Being a Fruit Inspector"
7-21-19 Tom Miller "Where Can I Find Help When I Am Suffering?"
07-21-19 Tom Miller "The Straight and Narrow Way"
7-14-19 Tom Miller "Is There Any Value In Suffering?"
7-14-19 PM Tom Miller "A Guideline for Dealing With Others"
7-7-19 Tom Miller "Why Do People Suffer?"
7-7-19 Tom Miller "Learning to Trust"
Tom Miller 6-30-19 "Can I Really Be Sure I'm Saved?"
Tom Miller 6-30-19 "Questions & Answers"
Tom Miller 6-23-19 "Is Baptism Really Necessary?"
Tom Miller 6-23-19 "Yes, Master"
Tom Miller 6-16-19 "Cornelius, A Good Man but Unsaved"
Tom Miiler 6-16-19 "How are Your Eyes?"
Tom Miller 6-9-19 "What Does it Mean to Be Saved?"
Tom Miller 6-9-19 "Where's Your Treasure?"
Tom Miller 6-2-19 "I'm Tom and I'm a Sinner"
Tom Miller 6-2-19 PM "Practicing Righteousness"
Tom Miller 5-26-19 "Women God Used: Tabitha"
Tom Miller 5-26-19 PM "Dealing With Enemies"
Tom Miller 5-19-19 "Women God Used: Eunice"
Tom Miller 5-19-19 PM "You've Got To Be Kidding"
Tom Miller 5-12-2019 "Women God Used: Ruth"
Rusty Curtis 5-12-19 Isaiah 40
Tom Miller 5-5-19 "Women God Used: Jochebed"
'Tom Miller 5-5-19 PM "Let Your 'Yes' be 'Yes'"
Tom Miller 4-28-19 am Why Go to Church
Tom Miller 4-28-19 **D-I-V-O-R-C-E**
Sam Bartrug 4-24-19 "Why I AM a Christian"
Tom Miller 4-21-19 "The Message of the Empty Tomb"
Tom Miller 4-14-19 "Walking Each Other Home"
Tom Miller 4-14-19 PM "At the Heart of the Matter"
Tom Miller 4-7-19 "Let's Be Honest"
Tom Miller 4-7-19 PM "Don't Judge Me!"
Spring revival
"Why i am a christian"
Tom Miller 3-31-19 "Why I Am a Christian"
Jesse Nelsen 3-31-19
Tim Forlines
Bill Bryant 4-1-19
Roger Comstock 4-2-19
Ralph Clevinger 4-3-19
Tom Miller 3-24-19 "Hey, Josiah, Look What We Found"
Tom Miller 3-24-19 PM "Where's Your Treasure?"
Tom Miller 3-17-19 "We Are Family"
Tom Miller 3-17-19 PM "Don't Worry"
Tom Miller 3-10-19 "The Fragrance of Forgiveness"
Tom Miller 3-10-19 PM "Ask, Seek, Knock"
Tom Miller 3-3-19 "Lord, Teach Us To Pray, #4"
Tom Miller 3-3-19 PM "Some Questions About Prayer"
Tom Miller 2-17-19 "Lord, Teach Us To Pray, #3"
Tom Miller 2-17-19 PM "Does God Really Answer Prayers?"
Tom Miller 2-9-19 “Lord, Trach Us To Pray, #2”
Tom Miller 2-9-19 PM “Requirements for Effective Prayer”
Tom Miller 2-3-19 “Lord,Teach Us to Pray, #1”
Tom Miller 2-3-19 PM “The Church At Prayer”
Tom Miller 1-27-19 “Hard Passages #6”
Tom Miller 1-27-19 PM “Blessed Are the Persecuted”
Tom Miller 1-20-19 “Blessed Are the Peacemakers”
Tom Miller 1-13-19 "Hard Passages, #5"
Tom Miller 1-13-19 PM "Blessed Are the Pure In Heart"
Tom Miller 1-6-19 "Hard Passages, #4"
Tom Miller 1-6-19 PM "Blessed Are the Merciful"